The best way to support your local church is by joining us for Sunday worship. We will do our best to make you welcome. Details of this month’s services are on the Calendar page.
There are lots of ways in which you can help your church financially. Even if you already give to the church please read through these suggestions:
Give regularly through a standing order from your bank or our weekly envelope scheme. The church treasurer will be happy to help you set this up. These arrangements are entirely confidential.
Review your giving at least annually. If your income has gone up or down you may need to adjust the amount you give.
Use the Gift Aid scheme which turns every £1 you give into £1.28 if you are a UK taxpayer. Ask for details.
Make a one-off donation to your church, however large or small. These too can be “gift aided” to increase their value.
Support our regular fund raising activities. If you cannot give as much money as you would like, running a stall or just baking a cake can help us to raise the money we need.
Include the church in your will. Historically money given in this way has been a major source of income for the church. Ask for advice about this if you need to.
Every year the churches in our team need to raise around £90,000 locally to support the church and its ministry in this community. We get no direct help from the government or the Church of England nationally. Please help us. Your gift, however small or large, will make a difference.