This year we haven’t been able to hold our usual annual meetings, because of the coronavirus pandemic.
However, we will be holding two informal meetings of parishioners for Thetford parish this October:
- Monday 19th October, 7.30 p.m. online (join us on Zoom by following the Zoom link or with Meeting ID: 830 3571 6701 and Passcode: 297318);
- Wednesday 21st October, 7.30 p.m. in St Cuthbert’s (please register your attendance in advance, either online or by contacting Peter on 01842 763579 or at
These meetings are an opportunity to ask questions and make comments about the 2019 reports and accounts, or indeed on any other matter of church life, much as you would be able to at an annual meeting (although all the elections will be deferred to next year’s annual meetings).
You can download copies of the annual reports and the accounts and financial statements which were distributed in the spring; please contact Peter if you would like them in hard copy.
We look forward to seeing you at one of the meetings!